Welcome to Crossroads United Methodist Church
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World, by Feeding All God's Children - Body, Mind, & Soul
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World, by Feeding All God's Children - Body, Mind, & Soul
We have returned to in-person worship; masks are optional.
You can always worship with us online each Sunday at 10:30am on our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3eFvQxg
We welcome you to our Sunday service, where we come together to worship and hear a message from our pastor. Our service starts at 10:00am and lasts approximately 1.5 hours. We look forward to seeing you there!
We believe that church is more than just a Sunday service - it's about being a part of a community that supports and encourages one another. Crossroads is active in the community. In addition to hosting groups like the Kiwanis, TOPS (Takin Off Pounds Sensibly), Cap City Athletics and addiction recovery support, Crossroads reaches out by offering a Food Pantry as well as Crossroads Connect. Check out our MINISTRIES tab to learn more.
Welcome to the Crossroads United Methodist Church, where we seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ by feeding ALL of God’s Children - body, mind, and soul. Crossroads has a long tradition of outreach and service to its members and the community. When we are able to gather in person once again, we hope you will join us for service on Sunday to experience for yourself the fellowship of Christ.
1100 South Hague Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43204, United States
We have returned to worshiping in person. Wearing a mask is optional. Please join us for worship on our YouTube Channel at 10:30am each Sunday. (Link above)
You can find our Office Manager, Connie Allen, in the office the following days and hours:
Monday 10-2
Tuesday 10-2
Wednesday 9-11
Thursday 10-2
Friday 9-Noon
Call the office at 614-274-4920.
Email the office at Office@crossroadsumccolumbus.org
Our food pantry is open and following covid-safe protocols.
We are a Choice Pantry, which means you will shop for the items you need for your household in various food categories.
We are asking all to wear masks while together in the food pantry area.
Pantry Hours:
Tuesdays 4:00pm
Wednesdays 11:00am
We know it can be a little scary the first time you visit someplace new, especially a church, so we want to make it as easy for you as possible. So, to help make this time as comfortable for you as possible here's some "helps." We have two parking lots at Crossroads, both of which you enter off of Hague Avenue. The north lot is closer to the sanctuary, and has designated VISITOR parking spots adjacent to the main entrance, but you can get there from the south lot as well. Restrooms are located in the main hallway off the sanctuary, as well as near the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen at the other end of the building. Greeters will give you a copy of the worship folder (you can't tell the players without a scorecard!) and ushers will help you find a comfortable seat in the sanctuary. Worship begins at 10:30 am and usually lasts about 55 minutes.
Worship at Crossroads is liturgical but fairly casual. The only dress code is you do have to wear clothes. 😆
There are hymnals to use, but the words are on a screen in front as well.
The messages are both biblical and relevant to modern life. You do not have to check your brain at the door. We won’t tell you what to think but hope you leave with something to think about.
On the first Sunday of each month, we have a moment with children up front before they are dismissed to junior worship. Children are always welcome in worship, but we do have a reliably staffed nursery for children under 5 and kids age 5 and up are invited to the junior worship experience when they are dismissed during worship.
On the first Sunday of every month, and occasionally on other Sundays, we celebrate Holy Communion, which commemorates the last meal Jesus had with his disciples. In some churches you have to be a member in order to receive communion, but in the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH we practice "OPEN COMMUNION." That is, ALL ARE WELCOME to come to Christ's table BECAUSE it is Christ's table, and not ours. It is an open table and all are welcome to share if they would like.